How the super healthy, low carb/sugar- paleo diet ruined our health and sanity.


If you are doing awesome on it, great!

Peeps if you are following paleo, LCHF, primal or some other way of eating and it’s working for you and you feel amazing, that is super fantastic, I’m honestly very happy for you. This post isn’t for you.. or maybe it is so you know what to watch out for, I simply implore you to listen to and love your body and change shit up if you need to. If all is going well, fantastic!! Much health and happiness to you. This is my story and my partners so you don’t have to relate to it in any way, shape or form J if you’re going to be a nasty, uppity cunt about it, please keep it to yourself. I’m 3 days overdue pregnant and I don’t give a fuck about your precious ego or how I didn’t do it right or how you have the answers and are better than everyone. Seriously. Suck a fuck! Read with an open mind or go along on your merry way.

Pre Paleo

When I met Dan he was fit, robust and literally NEVER, EVER got sick. We enjoyed watching tv series (Game of Thrones, True Blood, The Walking Dead) together whilst eating mix bag lollies and we LOVED to eat out. We didn’t worry about what we ate. Dan subsisted on mainly cereal, subway, Boost smoothies, omelettes and some vegetables and meat now and then; I remember he would eat like four bowls of cereal in the morning- so a pretty high carb diet, our favourite cuisine was Japanese, especially the sticky rice and the green tea ice cream for dessert. We had shitloads of sex.  I’m talking 5 times a day. Fucking good times, literally.

Image by Bailey is Brown

Image by Bailey is Brown

Getting sick- start of diet obsessions

I had battled candida in the past but when I met him I was doing pretty well as I had been on a long course of daily Diflucan and that seemed to sort that out for a while, unfortunately it appeared to really mess with my immune system and I began getting vomiting bugs all the time and contracted some nasty viruses such as Eppstein Barr and Adeno virus. I was very, very sick, got down to 38kg, hospitalised multiple times, could not take care of myself at all, he basically had to nurse me full time at my mums house. I began obsessively researching as the antidepressants and sleeping peels and diagnosis of it’s all in my head from all the Drs, specialists and the hospital basically just giving me a drip and vomiting suppressants and sending me on my way wasn’t a great deal of help.

So I became obsessed with the candida diet, did that for a few months but in the end found that whole grains and loads of vegetables definitely was not my cup of tea- I was fucking starving and couldn’t stick to it at all, the food tasted so bland and shitty to me. I started seeing all sorts of holistic practitioners. I got ‘diagnosed’ with everything under the sun. Apparently I was intolerant to just about every food/chemical/substance on earth. I tried the failsafe diet. Fuck that was good times. Really. I loved eating a diet made up of 10 foods, when I ate anything not failsafe I’d have a huge reaction. One time I ate something with tomato and eggplant. My tongue swelled up in my mouth to four times its size and I could barely fucking breathe, my lips were raw red and I thought I was going to die. Took some antihistamines and that calmed that down but wtf, I used to be able to eat those foods without that kind of shit happening. I mean I am anaphylactic allergic to peanuts and cashews but not to a fucking tomato and some eggplant. Jesus. So ditched the failsafe mental asylum and continued to plough my way through a fuckload of research. Thus my introduction to the Weston A Price Foundation and then to stuff like the GAPS and Body Ecology Diets and Paleo in general. This way of eating was far better, Dan loved it too. Fuck I felt like I was the smartest little shit around. Eating like our ancestors, never entering the big two supermarkets. If I did I would stare in disgust at what other people were buying/feeding their kids and how fat, sick and depressed everyone looked. What an uppity wanker- seriously.

Learning lots of amazing things

I am actually very grateful for a lot of the amazing knowledge I gained in my hours, upon hours upon hours of reading books, blogs, studies, research etc. I think supporting grass fed, organic, locally sourced animal products is extremely important over supporting grain fed, factory farmed fucked up shit from the supermarket. I am all for organic, seasonal/local and eating real food. I am all for avoiding PUFAs as much as possible as I actually think they alone are the most damaging part of the modern human diet (margarine, vegetable/seed oils etc, some nasty ass and seriously damaging/inflammatory shit). I don’t want to ingest aspartame or a huge clusterfuck of additives, preservatives, colours and e numbers. But things started to go pretty darn sour 12 months down the track of our perfect, superior, ancestral, grain free, sugar free, low carb, paleo, real food, egomaniac, better than everyone diet. Interestingly the more symptoms we got the lower carb, lower sugar we tried to go.. this is what started happening. I’ll start with Dan and then run through my symptoms.

Dan’s body starts falling apart

Dan was the most chilled dude I have ever met when I met him, nothing could fire him up, he was very even tempered and just went with the flow pretty much all the time. He smiled a lot and was happy doing just about anything, even cleaning makes that boy happy, seriously. Like I said he never got sick, literally never in his life even had a common cold and he had boundless energy, we used to walk 8ks a day min and he was a runner and into loads of sport. Plus don’t forget the sex :P but he started to lose his health, he got dandruff all the time and weird rashes on his body, he became snappy so much more easily and really fatigued, in more recent times he started to get horrible digestive upset, I won’t embarrass him too much with the finer details but it wasn’t pleasant, he also started vomiting a lot which was truly bizarre and developed sinus issues, poor sleep and his muscles literally started wasting off his body- no matter how much pasture raised bacon, eggs, organic grass fed meats, super healthy fats and vegetables he consumed in a day. He became scared of carbs and even fruit and stopped eating his beloved bananas even.. he wouldn’t even touch sweet potato, we were so obsessed it was mental. He started lying around watching cricket all day, not having the energy for anything much at all. He was super moody and his zest for life had all but disappeared. He couldn’t exercise anymore, if he did he would get sick again. Weird stuff started happening to his teeth and he was getting kind of stinky, he’d never had a bad smell problem before haha (sorry babe). He decided that our water filter must not be clean enough and that’s why he was sick all the time and kept cleaning the water filter, even though Dom was drinking from it and he was totally fine- good thing Dom was still getting carbs from all the other places he went huh? I can only imagine if we had him 24/7 and he didn’t get any carbs or sugar- fucking bad times for his growth and health that would have been. Dan would say he must have got sick from cleaning the bathroom or not washing his hands after doing the dishes or something, he was freaking out about everything and would not TOUCH any food that wasn’t from our house and totally organic/paleo. I think it’s possible he was even more paranoid about it all than me. Poor bastard. Wtf had I done to him. I said we should go even lower carbs absolutely no sugar. Only fruit allowed was berries, lemon and lime and absolutely no grains (we’d been grain free for the best part of a year anyway) or starchy vegetables allowed. Ketosis and gut healing protocols and supplements would cure us. This was a week ago. I posted about the gut healing protocol on my page. A few people were smart enough to call me out on it and say it was a fucking bad idea, given I’m pregnant and will also need to be producing titty milk. One chick in particular kept commenting and private messaging me stuff. Stuff about low carb/no sugar not being the answer and how it could really harm our metabolism and adrenal and thyroid health. I thought she was a bit mental but good thing I love to read.  She implored me to read more from Josh and Jeanne Rubin and this batshit Matt Stone fellow. I read 6 of his books in a few days. I’m like that. Then I thought about my own symptoms over the paleo time.. what had happened to me?

diet trap

My health starts deteriorating again..

Well initially we felt amazing and were on top of the world. Pretty common scenario. Super fucking human we were. Knew it all. Did it all right. I mean shit I have 5,500+ people following my facebook page and liking, sharing and commenting on all the stuff I shared- good thing I ripped into veg/seed oils and highly processed shit more than I did natural sugar and carbs.. so hopefully I haven’t caused too many people lasting damage like I have to my own family.. although I definitely did encourage low carb/high fat.. fuckity.. hopefully if anyone else is experiencing issues this will help them on their way. I started to really lose my appetite. I seriously could not face bacon and eggs at breakfast. I wasn’t hungry until 10.30/11 and then I’d make a smoothie and usually not eat again until 5.30 or 6 where I’d push my meat, veg and fat around the plate. It wasn’t always like this, I used to love the food and Dan is truly an amazing cook but I was just so fucking bored out of my mind. I was constantly exhausted, like could barely walk 50 meters down the road without moaning and groaning and wanting to sleep on the side walk (this is prior to me being so heavily pregnant). My moods were psycho, everything made me angry and irritable, I mean I am a pretty firey person in general as you lot I’m sure are well aware but seriously. This one day I was driving home and I started screaming and crying and punching the steering wheel because the red light was taking too long to turn green and my aircon was broken and it was fucking hot sitting there in the sun. Like properly just losing my shit. Completely mental. Thought it was just hormones. This started happening more and more. Something tiny would set me off and I would go fucking ballistic, swearing and crying and screaming and slamming doors like my good old 15 year old self. A grown woman, behaving like one of those disturbed teenagers you see on those weird American shows that get sent to bootcamp and then come home all normal again, for a bit, then they start smoking crack again or whatever. I spent lots of time hiding in my bed, I found it difficult to answer the phone and emails again, I found it extremely difficult to cope with criticism of my work on here, I would cry virtually at the drop of a hat and had suicidal feelings often. Never feeling good enough and so ultra fucking paranoid about shit that just seriously DOES NOT EVEN MATTER.

I was also experiencing lots more digestive problems, couldn’t take a shit half the time, ended up with haemorrhoids, needed a bucketload of magnesium to get things moving, candida wouldn’t go away and would flare up hugely if I ate anything outside my paleo list, which was becoming a more regular occurrence. The cravings were constant and I felt so much guilt that I couldn’t just be good and stick to the perfect diet that was apparently so fucking satiating and not depriving at all.  My arthritis/RSI was playing up terribly in my hands and arms, I had pains all over my body and what felt like shin splints despite doing sweet fuck all in the way of exercise, I started waking at 2am and being unable to sleep. I was angry and irritable virtually all of the time.

Social anxiety- epic cravings

We had no life. Seriously. Even at Christmas time I would read the ingredients on say mint jelly (one of my favourite things of all time dating back to lovely memories as a child, slathering it on my meat) and I WOULDN’T PUT IT ON, because it contains sugar. That devil poison shit that is killing us all. I wouldn’t eat grains or if I happened to I would get really sick and feel really guilty. I never liked fruit much anyway. When I went super low carb, no sugar, my cravings were out of control. I thought I had a major addiction and problem that I needed to fix but my body is, as it turns out a fuckload smarter than me and when I went to McDonald’s eight times in a fortnight and ate the shit out of a large cheeseburger meal and a sundae, hiding the evidence and crying in guilt and literally ate 2/3 of this amazing cake my sister made for my son’s birthday in TWO DAYS. I thought maybe my body is really sending a strong message here. Maybe I’m not a weak piece of shit after all.

Questioning the low carb/sugar obsession

So I read Paleo Myths, Eat for Heat, Diet Recovery 2 and a bunch of other books by Matt Stone, I read Don’t Quit Sugar by Cassie Platt which I’d previously said a lot of disparaging shit about. I looked into the work of Ray Peat and Danny Roddy, I checked out Go Kaleo and I started taking our temperatures. According to Matt Stone and many others, these super restrictive diets fuck you mentally (obviously) but also for many people really destroy metabolism, thyroid and adrenal health. Dan’s raising temp was 34.4, mine was 34.8. Really if your metabolism and thyroid are functioning correctly you should be BARE MINIMUM 36.6, even better 37.2 or higher (99 Fahrenheit). Clearly we were fucked and our bodies were literally starving, particularly funnily enough for CARBOHYDRATES (that devil shit that is making us all fat and sick) and SUGAR. As well as salt, saturated fat, sleep and starch. The s’s for dealing with stress.

Feel initially amazing and get to your ideal body weight by quitting sugar?

In Cassie Platt’s book Don’t Quit Sugar she explains- “Many people experience profound results through quitting sugar, particularly in the short term. Mentally, there’s increased energy, blunted appetite and noticeable mood enhancement. Physically, there’s seemingly effortless weight loss. What most fail to realise is that such changes are attributable to a state of cellular stress and consequent rise in stress hormones. For three months, six months, perhaps a year (this is affectionately termed the ‘honeymoon phase’), stress hormones can make you feel excellent, promotion euphoria and a heightened sense of wellbeing. But beneath the surface, stress hormones do exactly as their name suggests- they’re a stress on the body in its entirety. Prolonged elevation can break down body tissue, impair thyroid function, damage the metabolism and devastate the body physiologically.”

Signs that your metabolism is on the decline

  • Low body temperature (increase sensitivity to cold, consistently cold hands and feet). TICK
  • Frequent urination- pale in colour. TICK.
  • Digestive issues- bloating after meals- delayed gastric emptying, less than one daily bowel movement. TICK.
  • Poor sleep quality (insomnia, waking up during the night)- TICK.
  • Low sex drive or impaired sexy function- TICK.
  • Thinning hair or hair loss
  • Infertility
  • Absent, irregular or difficult periods.
  • Thinning hair or hair loss.
  • Thin outer third of eyebrows.
  • Dry skin, especially on the hands and shins.
  • Fatigue (feeling tired, sluggish or weak). MASSIVE TICK.
  • Brain fog or poor mental focus.
  • Mood disorders, increased anxiety or depression. YES!!
  • Oedema (water retention), particularly facial puffiness
  • Weight fain
  • Muscle aches or weakness. TICK!

Cassie’s book also delves into many more facts and fiction about sugar including the whole insulin resistance escapade, fructose fear, fatty liver, sugar makes you fat, humans apparently ‘not being evolved’ to eat sugar and even the need to cut out sugar in order to stop feeding candida. MYTHS!! She then provides a how to guide to sugar, the best ones to use and how to incorporate them safely in your diet. When we talk about sugar, I merely mean sugar from fruits, starchy vegetables, raw honey, maple syrup and yes even pure cane. Not highly manufactured, processed versions like HFCS which IS damaging and a pretty bad idea for health.


So yeah.. now we are eating all the foods. All the time. Min 3500 calories a day for me, more for Dan. Today I had a glass of freshly juiced, organic OJ (OJ CONTAINS AS MUCH SUGAR AS COKE OMG WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE), I had two pieces of Turkish toast for breakfast, with a shitload of butter. Then I had weetbix with raw milk. I had a pie for lunch, with sauce and a mango smoothie, I ate some Turkish delight and some lollies, I had 3 ice creams. I had scallops and mash in butter sauce for dinner. I drank apple juice.  Oh yeah I also had a cheeseburger too. I was fucking hungry. I’ve been doing this for a week now. Literally eating all the things, what I want, when I want to. I’m not going to carry on like this forever but funnily enough processed, calorie dense foods can be just what the Dr ordered to smash your metabolism back up to its rightful place and sort your shit out, plus it’s the best way to cure years of deprivation and starvation. Get it all in there. You’ll stop craving so much shit if you just eat all the things and get it done. I know, I know, completely mental right? Our temperatures are already rising, today I was 36.6 during the day and 35.5 upon rising, a definite improvement. I look forward to being a normal part of society again, eating nourishing foods but also enjoying my sister’s pastries, Turkish toast and juice.

Where to from here..

All I can say is you need to listen to your body and do what’s best for you once again. You can’t prescribe a one way diet for everybody on the planet earth. It just doesn’t work out. Sorry. Do your own goddamn research and for fucks sake google where to get the books (amazon kindle people, keep up).  Google the blogs, just fucking google it all. Check out these posts from previous low carb paleo peeps too and and Don’t bother commenting about what I’m choosing to eat and how I’m choosing to deal with what I believe actually got to the point of an eating disorder. Google Geneen Roth, feedbag method etc and shove your judgments up your ass.

I’m having a fucking good time EATING THE FOOD and feel about a million percent better in every way. So does Dan J I will probably lose a lot of my audience with my very different attitude towards food and health, that’s ok, I hope that I will also gain a new audience and retain a lot of my old fans as well. I think I can still be proud of a lot of the work I have done. Saturated fats are a very important part of the diet, eating local, organic, sustainable food is awesome, PUFAs and highly processed man-made oils and ‘spreads’ are in no way healthy. I’m not sitting here swilling vegetable oils and HFCS by any means. But I think a much more relaxed and enjoyable approach is needed in many cases and you may need some carbs and sugar. Type 2 diabetes and all the other complications that paleo/low carb claims to save you from are not as simple as they are made out to be.  I think the paleo movement has a lot of wonderful and very positive aspects but I think the low carb, sugar fear mongering campaign is pretty akin to the saturated fat and cholesterol fear mongering propaganda and that makes me really, really sad. I really hope that I haven’t harmed anyone else with what I thought was the holy grail of dietary advice. That’s the thing that freaks me the fuck out the most and lead me to abruptly shutting down my page. I guess I can say that I never wanted people to just do what I do anyway, all I wanted was to share information with the world and get people CRITICALLY THINKING and now I am taking a critical approach once again and turning a lot of what I thought I knew on its head. Again all covered in Matt’s books and by the likes of the others mentioned.. check it out it really is very interesting..hope there is still some love for me and my ramblings out there. Be kind to yourselves..

99 thoughts on “How the super healthy, low carb/sugar- paleo diet ruined our health and sanity.

  1. Hi Jess, it was very interesting to read about your experience with paleo. I often see people take a too strict approach and eliminating all crabs (read joy) out of their diet. Paleo is one of those diets that will only work for you if it’s tailored to you. I personally love dairy and white rice and gelato and I include those in my diet when I feel I need it. People should always focus on the foods they can and shoud eat that will give them both nourishment and pleasure, rather than on what they can’t have. I think there are different approaches and I actually posted something about my personal approach on my blog today as well, mainly because I wanted to make it clear what my personal views are. I’m glad you discovered what didn’t work for you, I hope more people do.


  2. This is the first of your blogs I’ve ever read and I LOVE it, swear words and all!!! You have just summed up my past year and a half. I have become obsessed to and it was starting to rub off on my four year old. She hugged me yesterday because I let her have toast! Like you for a few weeks now I have been eating everything I wanted and shovelling it down my throat and feel so much better it, my mood has improved, depression is lifting and my periods are back! I just spoke with my daughter this morning about balance and that is where im going from here. Real Food most of the time but if we want to go to the coffee shop for cake we can (god I missed that, it made me fucking miserable!) If we are out and have to eat bread, no problem. I am going to teach my daughters how to cook realfood but all them to enjoy their childhood with birtgd cake and ice cream, its all about balance. That you so much for sharing this, you may have lost some subscribers but you’ve gained one too! Here’s to real food AND sugar! X

  3. Absolutely loved this article! Well done for being brave enough to write it, and hopefully people will learn from your experiences. As a nutritionist, I feel these crazy ass diets are just as out of control as the obesity epidemic and people are often horrified that I don’t drink a green smoothie every day or add macca powder to my oats each morning. Healthy eating is a way of life but shouldn’t control our life and should never start to impact our social or mental health. All of these diets, particularly Paleo and I Quit Sugar appear to be causing more harm than good. I’ve written an article ‘Why we need to calm the F*ck down when it comes to nutrition. I think I have finally found my nutrition soul sister after reading your article :)

  4. I’m so sorry to hear that you and your family went through all of that, but I commend you for listening to your body and sharing your experience. I’ve never been one to take extremes with anything, especially diets, and your experience just further solidifies my stance. I hope you all regain your health soon. Good luck!

  5. Vivien

    Wow what a ride. I too was addicted to super clean and healthy living and it made me over train and cut everything possible out of my diet thinking surely its the …. that is creating the issues in my body ie. thyroid, chronic fatigue etc.. Not long ago I started speaking a lot more lovingly to myself and decided to eat foods that I enjoyed and were nourishing for by body. I still eat a really clean diet but I do this out of love for my body not fear of weight gain or health issues etc. I think the issues we often have is about of thoughts about the food instead of the actual food itself.

  6. I love this. I have been battling the dieting masses all my life. I am the same size as when I left high school, (A bit less toned but same size) and I eat what ever I want. The catch for me is I move a ton throughout the day, and I love veggies more than I love most anything.

    Keep trying to knock sense into the masses! :)

    Ho maid whine

  7. Melanie

    Oh I love this blog!! You exactly summed up what happened to me last year, I went so crazy strict on my diet that I lost ten kilos and still hated myself and became even more strict to lose more. I would yell at my mum if she would put the slightest ingredient in my dinner that I shouldn’t be having, I became so irritable and I would just stand in front of a mirror picking at all the bits I hate – long gone were the days I just had a shower and got out!! I was constantly tired, felt miserable and was so fed up from constantly feeling guilty about everything and only ever thinking about food-it made me so depressed plus the nonstop bingeing on foods that were healthy but that I would punish myself for! I went to Bali for a holiday and I decided I would exercise everyday and eat as well as ever but it was completely the opposite, I pigged out on anything I could get my hands on and I didn’t exercise once. I got back feeling worse than ever but I could not drag myself to exercise let alone eat healthily – I literally ate whatever I wanted and did whatever I wanted. I put back on twelve kilos and that’s when I decided I was going to move when I felt like it and eat foods to love and nourish my body – not to starve and punish it. I became vegan and started listening to my body – when I want dessert I’ll have it! I’ve lost seven kilos and I don’t spend hours at the gym like I used too. I am so much happier now it’s crazy, I love everything about my body now even though it’s slightly less toned and a bit heavier than when I was on my crazy diet. But my mind is so much happier I never self hate anymore and I eat better than ever with no bingeing because I’m not depriving myself!

  8. Dan

    Wow… Your history & story sound practically IDENTICAL to mine. I’ve gotten myself down to a fucking wheelchair because of listening to people online about what I should do with MY body. I randomly slammed down some brownies on one of my lowest days and surprisingly felt much better. I could breathe better, regained more feeling in my arms and legs, went to the bathroom (finally), could think and see straight. This is definitely something I’m going to have to learn more about. So confusing, it’s as if my body has been saying, “hey what the hell did you do to all the goodies?” for the past 3 years. Thanks for sharing your story. Hope you and Dan are doing better.

  9. csum2008

    Hi, my apologies ahead of time if I double commented, (I rarely use wordpress). Anyways, just wanted to say TTTTHHHHAAANNNKKKK you!!! The story about you and Dan is just like mine. I ended getting to the point of a wheelchair and going multiple nights without sleep, veins bulging out of every part of my body. Couldn’t even bathe myself anymore. Anyways, fast forward to two days ago, where I just ate the shit out of brownies and pb & j’s. Had me some french toast for breakfast with extra butter and am feeling a bit better. The sensation in my arms and legs are coming back slowly, I can breathe (this was the scariest of all my symptoms), my pelvic pain is easing and the list goes on. I don’t know how or why, but this is (so far) a dream come true. How are you and Dan nowadays? I’m getting taken to see a naturopath in about a week and am a little scared they may tell me to cut sugar/carbs etc. I guess, I could just tell them no and eat the hell out of whatever I want, ha. I guess I basically got to the point of where I said, well I don’t feel like I’m going to be alive much longer, might as well live it up while I still can. Everything I learned before has been shattered thus far. So confused, but I’ll just set the stress aside and eat whatever the hell I want. :) Hope you and Dan are well. Thanks again for sharing your story!

    • Holy crap pants that is AWFUL, we are doing much much better, I am no longer rail thin and am sleeping better and just better in basically every way, it took about three months, I ate quite a lot of crap to begin with but now it’s all balanced out, I think the most important thing is to INCLUDE good carbs and sugar, I have sourdough, pasta, white rice, potatoes etc every day and chocolate, ice cream, fruit juice etc whenever I want as well. I really hope you find what you are looking for

  10. brian

    Thanks for writing this, I am going through this right now. My health is declining due to my obsession with eating “healthy”. I’m 6′ 3″ and 155 lbs, and starving even though I eat non stop. I have every symptom you speak of. How long does it take to get better?

  11. PaleOCD

    I really enjoyed reading your story. I’ve been following primal/paleo for 18 months now and have only just started to chill out a bit. I still can’t face eating anything with gluten in, that one’s still too deeply engrained (excuse the pun). I was never as strict as you guys appear to have been, I have always eaten sweet potatoes and rice 2-3 times a week and have a little bit of sugar and dairy, but always (still) feel guilty about the sugar/dairy. In March I tried the Whole30 in an attempt to heal issues with candida and blocked sinuses, which as you probably already know is a strict version of paleo. Considering I was really only giving up sugar and dairy for a month (as I was already a fairly clean eater) I was really shocked that after 4 days I started feeling awful and then I came on my period 2 weeks early followed by a terrible cough/cold. But did I give up – oh no, can’t possibly admit defeat can we lol. I did complete the 30 days but it made me question my sanity more than the actual diet. In an attempt to find out if I have some kind of OCD I came across the term Orthorexia, which is basically where people eat so healthy they become unhealthy ( I found this really interesting and wonder what makes us become so obsessive about things in life. I am still following the primal/paleo band wagon and have just started Crossfit (yet another thing to obsess about lol) but I am thinking more about the way I put unhealthy stress on my body and am trying not to be too strict.
    Good luck with your journey. x
    P.S You made me take my temperature for the first time and it was 36.5 Phew :-)

    • haha yeah orthorexia, it’s a bloody killer hey, it makes me sad whenever I read about people doing the whole 30, it honestly takes the joy out of living, I am only just now starting to become a bit more normal and enjoying life, food, nourishment etc again. Life is so much more fun with carbs and sourdough lol, although I have some health issues and looks like I might have to give up gluten again but won’t be giving up carbs and sugar EVER AGAIN!!

  12. Marsha

    Thank you, THANK YOU. I have just been getting started on the low carb high fat diet and was already having reactions to foods I never had a problem with before when I “cheated.” Your courage and honesty will help me get out of the deep woods before I get too far in. My adrenal glands/stress hormones are already shot so I’ve never had the initial feeling better stage. I thought it was just the “carbohydrate flu” they speak of. I should have listened to my body, not a web page. I have a big sweet potato heating in the toaster oven as I write. I’m going to slather it with grass fed butter and wolf it down.

  13. Marsha

    Come to think of it, any diet plan whose adherents follow as zealously as any religion is suspect in my mind. And I feel quite sure our Pleistocene ancestors didn’t consume coconut milk/oil/cream, almond meal, big shiny red apples or green smoothies on a daily basis either.

    • it’s hard isn’t it.. you will get there, carbs are so beautifully delicious, eat some sticky white rice and a good ol’ roast sweet potato. It will do you the world of good :) don’t forget a banana too!

  14. Stupendous article. You have passion which is something most of the world lack. Who gives a shit what you eat as long as you are happy. Rock that you have found your food groove. Might go make a quadruple layered fairy bread sandwich (well maybe not quite ;) Thanks!

  15. Sonya

    Thank you so much for writing this. I’m an avid cyclist and I can’t tell you how many of them are not eating carbs. It blows my mind. With that being said, I too was obsessed about what I eat and did cut carbs very low and still went out and trained for hours. The biggest things that happened was loss of sleep, anxiety, loss of my period and stalled weight loss. Thank you for posting this. I’ve talked to so many people about it and everyone told me it wasn’t my diet. For longest time I felt alone in this……well not any more. I’m eating more, cycling less and getting a full nights sleep and waking up feeling rested.

  16. As a paleo nutritionist – I am sick to death – seriously of carb fear! It is shocking how many people are suffering on low carb paleo. You do not need to go low carb unless you have metabolic issues – and then moderate carb is better like 100grams a day.
    Some of us need to stay paleo due to auto-immune issues like me – so please be mindful of that. I am HLA DQ2.5 – which mean I have a high susecptibilty to celiac, I also have auto-immune thyroid disease and mild lupus. I would be nuts to eat non paleo food again because it would flare my auto-immune problems.
    HOWEVER – I do not eat low carb – I have fruit and tons of root veg, my poop is so much better, my energy great and I sleep like a log.
    So to anyone out there on paleo who is low carb and doesn’t need to be – for heavens sake drop it – you need at least 4 cups of starchy veg or fruit a day plus mountains of colourful veg, some good fats and healthy protein.

    • Renaee

      Hi Julianne.. hoping you can help me because I’m really confused! I’ve been following a paleo diet for the past 18 months and am supposed to have recovered from adrenal fatigue, but an constantly tired and my body temps hand been constantly been in the 35.3-35.8 I’ve recently been experimenting with grains and each day I have grains the following day my temps up too 36.1 or 36.2, so they seem to be helping my temps, but I have celiac disease, so feel like I should be following autoimmune paleo? Any advice would be much appreciated x

      • I reckon have a look at the Metabolic Blueprint work by Josh and Jeanne Rubin, it’s organic wholefood sort of like paleo but encourages natural sugars and carbs

  17. Even Dr Atkins Diet Revolution says to go very low carb for a short time then find an ideal balance after that. Being in ketosis is a matter of choice – if you like it – or necessity for people who can’t be well or sane without it. It’s no more a must-have lifestyle accessory than drugs are. Glad you are better.

  18. Ivy

    It took you years to feel like crap? Only 5 days on gaps and I couldn’t go up the stairs. I was shivering all the time in a 72 degree house. I tried the intro period 3 times, so I could get it right, same deal. I finally saw a naturopath who told me not to go low carb, so sweet potatoes, carrots and root veggies let me stay on GAPS without feeling like crap. I’ve been gaps-ish for 2’years, but, inspired by this post, will make noodles tonight.

  19. natalie

    Thank you so much for this article and for commenting on my facebook post :) i will be reading it to hubby when he gets home and he may well breathe a sigh of relief :)

  20. Janet

    Thanks for this article. I am healthy and I know it, but I just went through a ton of tests to see why I can’t eat raw foods. I keep getting cramps in my stomach after I eat. I have eaten a salad for lunch nearly every day for years but since switching to paleo 18 months ago, I cannot digest a salad if I tried. I have nearly every symptom you have named. My husband finally said, if you feel like shit eating all of this “healthy” food then why not eat regular food and see what happens. I’m doing just that. I want to eat and enjoy my life not stress about carbs or grains. I’m pissed I devoted so much time and worry on this.

  21. Love it, I can’t survive on low carb either, I don’t think most women can, especially if you are over 35. Came across this while researching a talk I am going to give, geting some facts as why a little bit of sugar is good for you. Glad you figured it out.

  22. Clare

    I am just flaked out on the sofa trying to get over my lchf diet from Feb March time…It just ruined my life and I have so many health problems Im sure are a result…that social phobia and not answering the pho e either wtf Im in my 30s….best article ive read in ages get better people xx

  23. Susan Garrett

    Love your article. This is the first time I have ever heard of this. I have been low carbing almost 5 years when I got a diabetes diagnosis. I have slowly declined each year and have gotten ultra sedentary. My body hurts all over and my knee is killing me. My blood sugar is good though. I’m just miserable. No social life at all. I have to figure out how to have it all. I think if I could move, I could lose. My daughter is diabetic and working on her Masters Degree. She swears she feels better and more clear headed if she eats ice cream during finals. But she is gaining so I don’t know what to think.

    • it is indeed a very complicated subject, I suggest looking into the Metabolic Blueprint work of Josh and Jeanne Rubin and possibly reading the book Don’t Quit Sugar by Cassie Platt, lots of interesting info

  24. Tina

    Thanks for your great article and sharing your experience. I have been researching the paleo thing in response to being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. A lot of paleo makes sense, ethical/organic produce, no processed foods etc etc, but what concerned me was that low carb and no sugar thing. I agree, listen to your body and be kind to yourself.
    Good luck with your recovery and enjoy the wonders of motherhood – that too can be a bitch at times!

    • hahaha yes it can!! Yes paleo has lots of positive things and merits but extreme restriction and v low carb low sugar can be alarmingly dangerous, keep your wits about you, eating good organic food, eliminating bad fats and using good fats should certainly have a positive effect for you

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